Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12-3-13 Board Meeting

Teleconference Board Meeting at 605-475-4000 #241908 a service of freeconferencecall.com

Email from Joe M just before the board meeting:
I have read the current Academy of Gen. dentistry master track manual I need some information in the following areas if anyone has the information if they could contact me I would appreciate it.1-contact information for the present masters in Utah.2-Who has attended the mastership courses in the last two years.3-what topics have been taught in the last two years4-Who has the equipment to run handpieces for a participation course I know years ago we had quite an assortment.5-I think we need to delay the next mastership course until we get a little better organized. There is no subject code for lasers. We would need to decide what subject codes would be taught as part of a laser course. I am in favor of a laser course, but I think we need to be more definitive on what we want to have.6-we talked about dates and conflicts so Tenety dates for a mastership program would be the first weekend in September of Friday Saturday and then the first weekend in February or March depending on the UGA annual meeting.
There are a number of criteria that we need to meet as a master track program according to the AGD manual. I'm working with Dave Peterson on this so we can get ourselves organized and come up with a program that will be set for the next five years to accomplish the goals of more people attaining mastership.
Thank you for any information and help.
Joe Mirci

Attendees: David Peterson, Dan Boston, Paul Harris, Scott Stucki, Grant Quayle, Matt Webb, Dave McMillan, Aaron Ferguson, Joe Mirci, Nathan Hoffman, Duane Callahan, Rod Maxfield, 

Matt Webb-plans for May 16-17 Fri Sat. hands on participation class for lasers on Perio, OS, Operative. combine mastership and CE course.  Dr. Robert Convissar. limited to 30 participants.  wants us to order pig mandibles, we pay his airfare and stay, but no other charge. Dan suggested it would be nice to do at Ultradent. What about the lasers?  He brings them and gets his honorarium from the companies.  Laser therapy is  Perio Lasers is 497. Laser in Operative 260. Matt wants to send out a survey to ask pre-Masters and then pre-Fellows what they want to study and would be willing to attend. Joe wants to involve Masters to maintain a 1:15 instructor ratio.  
The discussion mostly focused on who is invited to the Master track CE and who is not.  We have not had more than 30 at any course for years so making the invitation exclusive may just give fewer participants.  
We should advertise this course as soon as possible. 
How much should be charged? 200, 275, 395 like the last course?  Joe- Just break for lunch--don't include it. Do 250 at JSMB and 200 if at Ultradent. 
Ultradent contact: 801-553-4387 Becca becca.pickens@ultradent.com she volunteered to help market and send reps direct to practices to help get people there. 

Aaron Ferguson/Nathan Hoffman-Membership and Student Chapters. 
Sent a proposal for how the Uagd can communicate with the student chapters around the state.  Roseman elected a presidency already and is pushing agd membership in order to use agd materials and videos.  Each student chapter would elect a presidency, conduct a lunch-n-learn membership signup and talk about benefits, the Fellow track and sponsor CE events--attend UAGD CE events.  They will work toward their 50 hours before graduation. Students at Roseman are CE conscious. We should go to the school to hold a lunch-n-learn.  Discussion about whether the UAGD should subsidize the $17 membership fee--we should let them pay their way. $17 is not too significant. Duane--there is a National lunch-n-learn scholarship if we apply for it of $500. David will participate, Aaron, Duane, Joe, Matt Webb, would like to go on a Friday.  Duane-Be a panel to ask questions.  Promotional materials are available from HQ. $5 if students wish to attend the UDA luncheon.  Jan 31 would be an ideal time. 10th is too soon since they return to school on the 6th.  Tests are administered on the 17th and 24th. CRA tests are Jan 31. The 31st it is.

Next Board Meeting: Tue Jan 7 at 9pm. 
Rod Maxfield has the AGD displays and rheostats and handpiecess and will try to get to Dave McMillan.

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 1, 2013 Board Meeting

Board Meeting 11-1-13
Carver Steakhouse

Attending: Aaron Ferguson-membership, Matt Webb-ce chair, Nathan Hoffman-roseman student member chair, Duane Callahan-delegate, Scott Tracy-pres elect, Dave McMillan-pres, JC Cheney- RD,Wes Tillmann-ce, Lynn Walker-Treas, Andy Erickson-sec, Corey Evans-CE, Reudi Tilllmann-advisor/fellowship, Dan Boston-advisor/fellowship, Paul Harris-Editor/Web

Matt and Dan-would be good to experiment with CE dates. have the 4 normal meetings per year and add in another at a different time to see what the response is (ie a winter ski course).  try to bring in out of state participants.

Duane-'13 HOD big concerns: midlevel providers and student debt.  Reudi-what about dds give loans to students? Aaron-I have piles of research on loans, repayment, etc

Joe/Dan-suggest contact fellows to see who is working on mastership.  don't like the open ended mastership program--anyone can come OR NOT.

Reudi--we should nail down our CE dates/topics 3 yrs in advance and pressure the committees to get it done.  Joe will handle mastership dates.  we may have a cap of 15-20 for a mastership course without a 2nd instructor.

Joe-May 2014 lasers in perio.  PH has Joe Stobbe's email on this

The uagd should have a google calendar--ph to send to dan/joe m and how to post dates.
post a blog for board meetings

UDA Friday luncheon CTC Brad is the speaker on prac transitions.  Reudi has the room. passed $5 for students. free to members with RSVP.

Recruiting AGD members though Roseman and UofU Dental schools.  Recommended paying for their yearly dues ($15) and doing lunches where students pay $5.
Holding board meetings for training by bringing a national AGD leader to us at resort or other location.
National funds can be used to influence local issues such as mid level providers but we need to ask for funds.
Scheduling courses and events up to three years out.  Getting committee chairs to coordinate dates and make public.  Publicizing all events more frequently.
Student to instructor ratio is 15:1
Renewal of charter organization is required when?

next board meeting Dec 3 9pm teleconference