Attending: Paul Harris, Jason Eaton, Dave Peterson, John Campbell, Jeff Hill, Scott Tracy, Scott Henkel, Dave McMillan, Kevin Lin
Financial report by Scott Tracy: Utah AGD is in good shape.
UDA Luncheon: at JSMB during UDA annual mtg. Dave McMillan said Dr. Wisniewski from Roseman is lined by to present.
Roseman student chapter (Dave M); Kevin Lin is president of the student chapter, Dave is the adviser. Request $1,000 per year for chapter functions. They have 38 members.
U Student chapter--suggestions?
Advertising, use of Eventbrite, MailChimp or Constant Contact: if mtg attendees don't want to pay Eventbrite fee, they can send a check. Communications need to indicate that questions for the course aren't directed to Scott, only payments.
Master Track report (Dave P): next course is May 4-5, Oral Surgery
Epic Lab affiliation: Scott Henkel shared a vision of expanding CE in Utah. Epic Lab has access to high quality CE.
CE report (John)
Suggestions for new Editor: Paul has been editor for years. Looking for contributors for Newsletter.
Bylaw review: Discussion included length of terms 1 or 2 years. for meeting agendas
Delegate Report