Saturday, November 4, 2017

Board Meeting Nov 2, 2017

Attending: Paul Harris, Jason Eaton, Dave Peterson, John Campbell, Jeff Hill, Scott Tracy, Scott Henkel, Dave McMillan, Kevin Lin

Financial report by Scott Tracy: Utah AGD is in good shape.

UDA Luncheon: at JSMB during UDA annual mtg. Dave McMillan said Dr. Wisniewski from Roseman is lined by to present.

Roseman student chapter (Dave M); Kevin Lin is president of the student chapter, Dave is the adviser. Request $1,000 per year for chapter functions. They have 38 members.

U Student chapter--suggestions?

Advertising, use of Eventbrite, MailChimp or Constant Contact: if mtg attendees don't want to pay Eventbrite fee, they can send a check. Communications need to indicate that questions for the course aren't directed to Scott, only payments.

Master Track report (Dave P): next course is May 4-5, Oral Surgery

Epic Lab affiliation: Scott Henkel shared a vision of expanding CE in Utah. Epic Lab has access to high quality CE.

CE report (John)

Suggestions for new Editor: Paul has been editor for years. Looking for contributors for Newsletter.

Bylaw review: Discussion included length of terms 1 or 2 years. for meeting agendas

Delegate Report

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Board Meeting July 5, 2017

Attending: Scott Stucki, Paul Harris, Dave McMillan

Mar 2, 2018 Evidence Based Dentistry

Utah AGD Scholarship to U and Roseman. $1000/ each.  Cory Evans to help org a chapter at the U?  Goes to end of 3rd yr student who has served in the AGD student chapter based on merit, membership and GPA.

David Petersen has the display for UAGD.  Needs to leave with someone in a SLC location.

Matt Webb is moving to New Zealand  in Dec.  Perhaps Blake Cameron could take over as CE chair?

New Exec Director for UDA is a dentist

Scott Tracy serving as treasurer now that Lynn is on mission.  Stucki not able to reach him yet.

Duane Callahan --email about National meeting in November

Eventbrite was a problem for one of the classes (May 2017 Pros--Mastership). A non-AGD person couldn't sign up.  Settings need to specify that non-members can attend.

2017 Dentist of the Year  nominations:  Jim Williamson

Dave M is at capacity with his commitment at Roseman.  Is on the hook for next 2 CE courses but feels like he can't head the CE committee.  Has asked Duane and Ruedi to help at Roseman.  Aaron Ferguson suggested that Dave talk to Harmon (over clubs) at Roseman to ensure that the AGD is a legitimate club at Roseman.  He requested bylaws to submit to the administrative council to be recognized as a club prior to organizing the chapter.
Award's banquet in Mar-May

July 21 noon to get info for newsletter
Frank Lacari--emailed about bio.  Joe Chever-in WA doing research
September 15-16 course at Ultradent:  Rella Christensen, Stuart Gibby (endodontist), Jim Hupp (endodontist) on Friday.  Matt Webb knows who the speaker is on Saturday.  The cost of the speakers is a total of $2,500.  
March 2 course at Roseman: (research and evidence-based dentistry).  Frank Licari, Joe Cheever, Dave Prince, Kamran Awan.  No cost for the speakers to the AGD.   All profs at Roseman. split proceeds with Roseman student chapter.

Rose man chapter to be a sub account to the UAGD.  Chapter is a part of our constituency.  Budget is together.