Thursday, November 29, 2018

Mastership Committee meeting 11-29-18

Attending:Joe Mirci, Chandler Townsend, Matt Cheney, Ed Hurst, Paul Harris

Attached please find the agenda for the meeting on the 29th.  Also, below are the requirements for the Operative presentation.

UAGD Mastership Study Club
November 26, 2018
Joe Mirci’s Office – 7 pm

  1. General Discussion
  1. Signup sheets for each day ____Ed_____________________________________
  2. Credit sent in for Master Track course ____Matt_____________________________
  3. Presentation credit sent in _____Matt______________________________________
  4. Presentation review _____Matt, Ed__put together presentation requirements and contact participants enough time ahead for presenters to put together their presentations. Joe to send list of attendees to Matt and Ed. Matt would like to know ahead of time those who intend to present to structure time appropriately.
    Joe to send out a presentation example to all attendees in the next couple of weeks.
    Course evaluations _____Chandler________________
  5. Course promotion _____Chad, Paul(website)_____________
  6. Contact list____Chad_(thru Eventbrite and MailChimp)________
  7. Finances ________Dave_________________________
    Discussion about speaker fees ~$2500. plus venue, lunch, advertising

  8. General responsibilities
____Chandler is willing to serve as Chair in the future when Dave steps down at May 2020 (if finishing out this Master Track cycle). Paul to discuss with Dave.
Vice-Chair to help in Chair's absence and as a Chair-in-Training
Speaker selection:Chair
Venue selection:Chair
Food:Chair--when meeting at Ultradent, we usually eat in their lunchroom on Friday and get take-out box lunches on Saturday.

  1. Course registrants – Scott Tracy, Treasurer (American Fork)
  1. Core list of dentists--FAGDs principally and all other UAGD are invited.;
dentists who have paid Assignment __Chad - 20_______________
  1. Who is on the target list? Assignment __345 – All Utah UDA______
List of all Fellows
  1. Get committed earlier Assignment __$350 by
    $400 closer to course -try to have about 25 attendees.
    Perhaps offer the occasional course to students at 50% depending on the course.
    Joe to talk to Mark about capacity for the Anatomy course.
  2. Flyer – protocol Assignment _________________________
  1. When is it made? _________________________
  2. How often is it sent out? __Chad__every 2 weeks___
  3. By whom? __Chad___________________

  1. Finances Assignment:  Dave Peterson
  1. Cost for course $350
  2. Review costs Mark Nielsen 2500/2 day Anatomy course
  3. Who is paying for what?
  4. Who has paid?

  1. Operative Dentistry
  1. Comments about working with CRA for course
  2. Presentation outline
  3. Attendance/costs

  1. Head and Neck Anatomy, May 3 & 4, 2019
Presenter ________Mark Nielson________ Presenter _______________________
Contact Person _____Joe Mirci_______________
Course outline:  Head and neck anatomy.  Nerves, musculature (emphasize
masseter, medial and lateral pterygoid, temporalis), blood vessels,
lymphatics, TMJ, fascial spaces. send Joe specific wishlist on what to reveiw.
IAN, mental, lingual n, temporal a.,
May 5 topics _________Full___________X_______________________________
May 6 topics Full________________X_______________________________
Location __University of Utah, Biology Bldg.________________
Lunch _______12-1 on own or box lunches during presentations
Good to have water, refreshments during course
Parking _Fri-pay for parking,-will have to let attendees know. Sat prob no pay.
Program agreement signed by Mark__________yes____________

  1. Future Courses
    1. Fixed Prostho – Nov. 1-2, 2019
____Chandler has several prosthodontist contacts as speaker suggestions.
    1. Electives – May 8-9, 2020 Botox--Louis Malmacher

    1. End of series.

      Have been meeting X2/yr. Matt suggest to meet 3 mos prior to next course. February

Operative Oct 2018 CRA course requirements for presentation:

Do 3 of the following, naming materials and techniques used.  An example will soon follow.

- Class IV anterior composite
- Indirect Veneer
- Direct Veneer
- Posterior Class II composite
- Onlay posterior
- Resin crown

Utah AGD Master Track Schedule       
YearMonthdateTopicAGD codeIn ChargeCE W/O protocolCE W protocol
2019May3-4Basic Science10Joe1630
 Nov1-2Endodontics70David P1630
2020May1-2Electives130David P1630
 Nov6-7Occlusion180 1630
2021May7-8Operative250 1630
 Nov5-6Oral Surgery310 1630
2022May6-7Anesthesia/Special Care340/750 1630
 Nov4-5Ortho/Pedo370/430 1630
2023May5-6Perio490 1630
 Nov3-4Pros/Fixed610 1630
2024May3-4Pros/Rem670 1630
 Nov1-2Implants690 1630
2025May2-3O med,O Dx, O Path730 1630
 Nov7-8Esthetics780 1630
2026May1-2Basic Science10 1630
 Nov6-7Endodontics70 1630
