Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Board meeting 5-17-18

Attendance: Scott Tracy, Vicki Drent, Jason Eaton, Paul Harris, Chandler Townsend, Michelle Jorgensen, David Peterson and spouse, Kevin Lin (Roseman AGD chapter pres), LeeAnne (Roseman chapter VP)

Market Street Grill May 17, 2018

Please submit all calendar items, Roseman student chapter events, and CE summaries to Michelle for publication in the newsletter.  Dave P to write a summary for the last Oral Surg course for the newsletter*

Treasurer (Scott T)-financials presented--balance sheet and P&L.  2 CDs and 2 accounts for CE and Mastership committees.

discussion about Dentist of the Year--Kenny Dibble submitted Len Aste from Manti.
the website will have a form submission requesting nominations.  Requirements are that the nomination is a dentist practicing (or practiced) in Utah.  AGD not necessary.  humanitarian service, education or community service requested in a nomination bio.

Who can submit CE rosters to national?  Chad Goeckeritz, Blake Cameron

DOPL will provide addresses for all dentists in UT for $250--same as we received from UDA.

Mastership-Dave would like to schedule a presentation day/weekend.  presentations should be emailed for judging prior to the event so that passing is assured and only a  formality. 
Kent Scoville ABGD, MAGD, DDS
Ed Hurst MAGD, DDS
Matt Cheney MAGD, DMD
have all agreed to proctor Mastership cases.  Dave P to contact and coordinate

Jason to attend Region 14 meeting at New Orleans as the Delegate.  He will  be receiving his MAGD at the meeting this year.