Thursday, September 19, 2019

Board Meeting 9-19-19

Attending:Paul Harris, Jason Eaton, Chandler Townsend, Scott Stucki, Scott Tracy

Region 14 needs an administrative asst

Financial report. gen chk 58, gen cd 63, mstr chk 59, mstr cd 29.5
and Board incentive proposal as explained below
Roseman chapter report
CE committee report and discussion of future speakers/topics
Mastership committee report and discussion of future speakers/topics
scott s coming to nov mtg
chandler ideas for May course-fixed pros. Pablo Bautista--implantol/fxd pros, Nic Egbert
Editor report/support
Public outreach, Advocacy, State concerns (if any) sedation guidelines--latest CQI reviewed.
Next meeting Jan 9, 2020

Board incentive proposal--Active participation on the UAGD board has been light for various positions for some time.  Committee chairs or a committee member often face the daunting task of coordinating courses solo, sometimes several at a time.  This leads to burn out and questioning as to why they volunteer.  Other committee members may not know how best to support these efforts or may forget their important role.
I propose that active board participants can attend UAGD courses for 1/2 price.  Full CE credits/ benefits are included.
Active participation is defined as attendance of at least one board /committee meeting per year and one UAGD course per year and a fulfilled assignment as defined by a member of the presidency or committee chair. Potential assignments/ responsibilities include:
  1. planning, and coordination of a course (speaker scouting and contract, venue arrangement, meal arrangement, or regular course marketing)
  2. a quarterly newsletter or general membership information contact
  3. website maintenance/administration
  4. oversight of student chapter with 2 or more activities per year
  5. financial trustee responsibilities for the UAGD
  6. active membership drives/outreach
  7. legislative advocacy
  8. functioning as state delegate
  9. service in the presidency
Pros: direct, financial incentive for active board participation. stimulus for proactively functioning in a position, encouragement for new board members to volunteer and participate. a reason for committee members to extend help to committee chairs without being asked.
Cons: less course revenue, potential conflict of interest, could be interpreted as "payment" or "salary" with its tax implications.
Board discusssion revised from student rate to 1/2 price.
Another stimulus to serve on the board is to remind MAGDs of need for service for LLSR--can serve on the board to count for points.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Mastership Committee Meeting 4-11-19

Attending: David Peterson, Paul Harris, Chandler Townsend,

finalize meeting for May tonight.
not enough parking in that location.  we can park at Dave or Joe's office and carpool to not have to pay $20 per day, Anatomy building near President's circle,
Dave will do lunches for Corner Bakery both days.
no presentations that we're aware of.
Matt and Ed will be in charge of
Dave to email parking logistics
Chandler to make a sign in sheet for course and certificate for 16 hrs credit for them to submit (Dave to send example)
Paul shared blank CE certificate with Dave and Chandler and an example sign in roster.  Also, forwarded email from AGD to utahagd email about logging into with our utah number to send in CE for the group with password, etc

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Board Meeting 3-14-19

Paul Harris, Dave Peterson, Michelle Jorgensen, Blake , Matt

UDA Luncheon speaker Glenn Hanson opioid rule, medical marijuana, Durham,

Financial report-Scott Tracy
$200 per time at Roseman or 400 in Seminar room?

Roseman-Dave McMillan

Mastertrack May course and beyond. Anatomy course in May. a few spots available still.
november endo course dr. Facer and Dr. Madson.
November course change to 2nd weekend in Nov. Dave to communicate with Michelle for newsletter--dates, subject, and ad for course.
?? space for AGD. conference room avail
AGD is independent and should remain so.   We try to present unbiased views of subjects without conflicts of interest.

CE calendar--look at Mastertrack calendar and offset CE calendar so subjects are alternating.  CE has more freedom to identify other alternative subjects.
Michelle's education facility will be available after July 2019.

Stace Lind Hands on. Pleasant Grove office.

Website--Stripe concerns?